Seasonal Inspiration

September to December is notorious for being the busiest time of year in the Interior Design business. I always attributed this to the build up to Christmas - everyone had to have their 'good' room perfect, guest bedrooms received a makeover etc. It always seemed as if December the 22nd was the cut off point and if your house wasn't looking perfect you might as well forget about it for another year!


Times have changed but there is still always a push to have work done before Santa comes down the chimney - not that I think he is particularly bothered about the new curtains - our Santa is always more focused on the drink left for him!

This year I am going to float an idea out there - sometimes it's only when we see something down on paper (or on an LCD screen) do we realise the idea had been there all along. I am finding this period of the year oddly inspiring. I say 'oddly' simply because I always considered myself to be a spring / summer sort of person and not an autumn / winter person. The reason for this is simply because I associate all seasons with colours. Spring and summer are bright and colourful colours whilst autumn and winter are always ochre's, burnt sienna's and other neutral and grey tones. It's not that I don't like the more muted earthy tones it's just that they don't suit my colouring so naturally I always find myself choosing bright colours be it for the interior or simply clothing. Could something as superficial as this, be the reason I never liked the cooler seasons?

Lately I feel my creative juices bubbling just under the surface. I want to cook, paint and redecorate the house! The leaves softly floating from the trees and blanketing the ground and the stormy, dark grey of the sky are all calling to me. Even the dark mornings seem strangely inviting. So getting back to my idea earlier...could it be that the big push in the world of interiors is triggered by seasonal inspiration rather than the deadline of Christmas. I mean it all changes in January. The sky goes from stormy grey to cold and dull. The trees look skeletal and bare, and the ground is brown and soggy as the blanket of leaves is now just mulch! But September through to the end of December see us embracing the seasons and revelling in anything to do with the home and its decor.

My theory could be further developed. I am not sure about you but in the early spring and summer the last thing on my mind is the house - or the inside thereof. Rather I am jetting off to the garden centre to fill the boot with hanging baskets and window sill pots. I inevitably put these out too early and loose half the crop to a late frost but I do still try (although I believe I may be a slow learner)!

My theory summarised is that autumn is indeed a very inspiring season. Whether it's the colours of the leaves on the trees, the cheerful fires in the evenings or the thought of Christmas festivities around the corner - one thing is for certain - all of us that love the world of home interiors land up spending a fortune! It doesn't matter whether it's a Halloween or Christmas centre piece for the table or a new pair or curtains and coffee table for the good room. Inspiration abounds and we focus on all that is glorious about home decor and design.

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Written by: Ciarda Barrett (Senior Tutor)

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